Booklist Online Top Shelf Reference Newsletter Archive
Top Shelf Reference brings a shot of practical, real-world reference to your inbox, with recurring features like "Real-Life Reference," "Talking Shop with . . ." and "Reference Site to Remember." Mails four times per year. If you don't already receive Top Shelf Reference, subscribe now!
Read the current issue:
August 2019: Stay Gold, Ponyboy
Browse previous issues:
May 2019: Turn where the old Shoney's used to be, and other cases for change
March 2018: The Library Will Be Closing in NEVER Minutes
December 2018: Working Hard or Hardly Working?
October 2018: Hold Me Closer, Tiny Changer
August 2018: To My Fellow Information Nerds
May 2018: Professional Reading Roundup
January 2018: Marmosets and Mount Rushmore
November 2017: I'm not Obsolete, I'm a librarian
August 2017: Word Nerd
July 2017: Librarian Karaoke
April 2017: Introducing Two New Reference Features
December 2016: Regression Therapy for Dummies
October 2016: Kung Fu Librarian
July 2016: That Pesky Reference Interview
May 2016: Please God, Not My Library!
March 2016: Chat Reference Gone Wrong
December 2015: Reference Resurges
October 2015: It's Complicated
August 2015: Unexpected Reference Questions
March 2015: Your Library Kicks Butt
December 2014: Reference for the Season
October 2014: Real World Reference: Why we still need reference librarians